Loving Lately - August

Look at me, actually making this into a series! And only 2 months apart. I'm doing way better than I thought I would. Check out June's post here.

Vinted - free in the app store, or free website

A friend turned me on to this and I am addicted. It's a site that allows you to buy, sell and swap gently used women's wear. And by women's wear I mean clothes, shoes, jewelry, handbags, work-out wear, sunglasses, swimsuits, maternity wear, and more! The only downside is that there is a phone app, but no tablet app (yet). I have already gotten rid of over 30 items from my closet, with 60 in my shop waiting for a new home. Just don't ask me how many items I've bought. If you want to see what I'm selling, check out my shop

Garmin VivoFit - $130, available at Target, Dick's Sporting Goods, Amazon, and other retailers

I just got this but I am already in love. I resisted the FitBit for over a year, writing it off as a silly trend. But when a friend showed me his VivoFit I changed my tune. Then I realized this was a prime item for buying and never using, so I scored a practically new one for $93 on Ebay! If you're not sure you would like or use a tracker, I suggest going that route.
A few of my favorite features:
- The always-on display can show the time - free watch!
- The red inactivity bar is a great reminder to get off your butt if you've been stationary for over an hour. As a matter of fact, my red bar is showing now. Be right back! panting from walking up and back down 3 flights of stairs Whew, I needed that.
- This tracker runs on a watch battery, which lasts about a year. This blows away all the other trackers that have to be charged daily/weekly via USB like a phone.
- This little guy is water resistant so you can sweat all over it, wear it in the shower and even go swimming with it. This is a big deal for those of use who aren't fully awake for the first hour or so in the morning, and might forget to put it back on post-shower.

Loft White Jeans - $70

I spent the first half of this summer searching for white skinny jeans. Call me a slave to trends, but I wanted some. I found lots of pairs at Old Navy and various department stores, but they were all see-through! No bueno. Then I remembered how nice and thick LOFT jeans are and decided to give these a try. I even bought them online without trying them on. Such a risk taker! They are regularly $70 (which is the upper limit of what I'm willing to pay for jeans) but today you can get them for $33! Go forth and shop!

Green Smoothies - varies, based on ingredients

In an effort to get more raw foods into my diet I decided to give smoothies a try. I know, I know, another fitness trend. But in my defense, they're really yummy. I rely on the formula of 1 C spinach + 1 C juice or almond milk + 1.5 C frozen fruit (which is half the recipe above). My favorite is spinach with peach, mango and pineapple chunks. When I'm feeling ambitious, I prep and measure all my ingredients over the weekend and re-freeze single portions in jars. Every minute I can save in the morning is a big deal.

iTrack Bites - $3 in the app store

Now that Josie is somewhat more low maintenence, this is a perfect time to re-focus on my diet and exercise. Are you sensing a theme here? I did Weight Watchers before I got pregnant with Luke, and while I like the program I feel that I don't need to attend the meetings anymore. Some people need the accountability and support the meetings provide, but not me. Once I learned the system I felt confident picking it back up on my own. Fortunately we live in the age of the internet and there are a multitude of knock-off apps out there. This one uses the same Points Plus system familiar to WW alums, but you don't have to log-in as a WW member to get it to work. You can save favorites, search the pocket guide for common foods, or even scan barcodes to quickly decide which option is better while shopping. You can also buy in-app expansions such as the restaurant guide, which I'm a big fan of.

Method Pure Naked Body Wash - $5 at Target**

You guys. This stuff smells so good. My personal favorite is Magnolia, but you can't go wrong with any of them. They smell almost good enough to eat.

Summer of Skirts

Over the past few years I have been in the terrible habit of buying lots and lots of skirts and dresses... and then never wearing them. No more! I have dubbed this the summer of skirts and I am encouraging myself to wear 2 skirts a week. Join me! Not only has it encouraged me to make the most of my wardrobe, but it has caused me to step up my game on non-skirt days, as well. You can see some of my outfits on Instagram, and tag your own skirt wearing, too. #summerofskirts

Johnson's No More Tangles Spray - $3.50 at Target**

Miss Josie has really fine hair, just like her Mama. This spray works wonders for battling the dreaded tangle monster. It works equally well on wet or dry hair, so it can save the day after bath time or when she wakes up with some raging bed head.

Paprika - $5 in the app store

As the non-chef in the house, I can only somewhat recommend this app. However, as one of the eaters in the house I can say this app is awesome. According to my live-in chef hubby this makes recipe sourcing, meal planning and grocery shopping super simple. You select your recipe, add it to your weekly meal calendar and the app creates your grocery list for you! I find this doubly useful when trying to eat more healthily, since in the past we have gotten in a rut of eating the same 5 healthy meals over, and over, and over again.
Downside: If you want this app on your tablet and your phone, you have to buy it twice for a total of $10. It's still worth it to be able to have the grocery list handy on your phone. And at the end of the day, $10 is nothing if it helps your family eat better, more interesting meals.

*As usual, none of this content is sponsored and I don't use affiliate links. I genuinely use and love all of these things and want to share them with you. If I ever get sponsors, you'll be the first to know.
** These items are also available at drugstores, grocery stores, and other big box stores. I just linked to Target because I shop there a lot.

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