Hooray for Only Being a Semi-Fat Ass!

I had another OB check-up today. Blood pressure is good, baby's heart rate is good and my belly is measuring right on target. So, that's all good news.

The results of my glucose tolerance test came in. I registered on the high end of normal, but I don't care because I. AM. NORMAL. I am more than happy to moderate my intake of white flour and refined sugar as long as I am not at risk of having a ginormous baby or getting the diabeetus.

In fact, I am so overjoyed that I am going to embarrass myself and share my dirty little secret with you. deep breath Here it goes:

Before I got pregnant my weight had topped out at 186 pounds. Total lard ass, I know. I was doing something about it, and with the help of the nice ladies at my Weight Watchers meetings I had gotten down to 175. I still had a long way to go, but, baby steps.

The reason I am telling you that is because today at my OB's office I weighed in at 184 pounds. That's right. I'm almost 29 weeks pregnant, I have a sizable belly, and I'M STILL SKINNIER THAN I WAS LAST SUMMER. Gahd. How depressing is that?

Now, as you may remember I actually lost weight during my first trimester - getting down to 162 pounds - due to the very scientific reason of "hmm, that's odd." So, I'm tempted to say my pre-preg weight is 162 (to make myself feel less fat) but the charts don't lie, and they know I started at 175.

Hopefully, since my body got so darn efficient in the first 13 weeks, I will be able to shed my baby weight and then some while I'm nursing.


  1. Horary!!! Also I think something to do with just the idea of watching what goes in your mouth and staying away from those uber processed foods can do wonders without starving yourself! Keep up the good work.... chasing around a baby will help with the extra exercise!

  2. I so feel you. I was 185 at conception, and limited myself to gaining only 25 lbs max. So when I peaked at 205, I was stoked. Then I got down to 166 while nursing. Well I stopped nursing and I'm back where I started. So no more chocolate-Twizzlers-Starburst-cookie-ice cream for me. And we take a brisk 20 min. walk everyday. I'm still committed to being the hottest soccer mom on the block, so I gotta get it together by the time Kate starts playing soccer. That gives me 1+ yr.

  3. No processed food (other than cupcakes!!) at the shower! I'm trying to eat fresh and homemade and such and it has been doing wonders for me. I'm no going to lie, I had animal crackers for lunch today, but it was a total off day.

    YAY for being normal!!!

  4. Allison-

    I lost 10 lbs (documented) in the first trimester with Rachel. I attributed it to being aware of what foods I was eating for Rachel's sake. Of course, then I put on 35 lbs which I counted as 25. I was extra blessed to wear regular jeans home from the hospital.

    None of this happened with the 2nd pregnancy but I was at one of my thinnest when Caleb was about 6 months old-NURSING is an awesome way to take off that weight and get the uterus back in shape! Chasing a toddler and having a newborn is great exercise.

    I can't wait to get my hands on that little baby!
